Refundable Containers
Want to donate your refundable containers to Hayes Creek Fire? - but it's not convenience - well we now have a solution - you can just drop them off at ANY Return It Express location in BC, print off a label using our account # 250 295 3300 and stick it on the clear bag - no line ups, no having to bring the bottle/cans to the fire hall.
Update - Return It has been getting cans that are squished so the bar code can not be read - they are then just recycled with no refund. (Just so the strong men out there know that)
Want to donate your refundable containers to Hayes Creek Fire? - but it's not convenience - well we now have a solution - you can just drop them off at ANY Return It Express location in BC, print off a label using our account # 250 295 3300 and stick it on the clear bag - no line ups, no having to bring the bottle/cans to the fire hall.
Update - Return It has been getting cans that are squished so the bar code can not be read - they are then just recycled with no refund. (Just so the strong men out there know that)
What is the Property Registration Fee & Why should I pay it?
For each property you own in the Hayes Creek Fire district (from 31 km to 45 km of the Princeton Summerland Rd., in rural Princeton), you are asked to pay an annual $100 Property Registration Fee to Hayes Creek Fire each January 1st. You then become a member of Hayes Creek Fire.
We encourage all members to attend our events and Annual General Meeting (Saturday of the Easter Weekend). At the AGM you will be brought up to date on our financial status, fire/medical call outs for the past year, FireSmart initiatives, hall updates, and will have the opportunity to vote for directors.
We are always working toward having our hall ‘certified’, but not ‘registered’ with RDOS. This certification would help lower your property insurance costs, while not increasing your property taxes. One of the big stumbling blocks to certification is to have fifteen volunteer firefighters . At this time, we only have seven. If you live in the area and are interested in joining our firefighter team, please email: [email protected].
Being a volunteer firefighter has so many rewards, but also a big ‘ask’ of you. Although seldom called out, our firefighters are on call 24/7, unless out of district. We only ask you to donate two hours a week for training, some of which is conducted out of district (especially now with wildfire training). We are also EMAFR (Medical) trained so when anyone has medical issues, we are there - including helping coordinate the ambulance crews, if needed.
In order to apply for special grants, Hayes Creek has to prove we can survive without them for normal operating expenses. The $100 Property Registration Fees goes a long way to cover normal expenses. However, these expenses are significant, and include certified training courses, fire turnout gear, insurance/operating/maintenance expenses for the fire hall and fire trucks, walkie-talkies and radios, utilities, hose and equipment replacements and repairs, etc. We are a non-certified fire department and do not receive any government funding for these operational expenses. If we become certified and register with RDOS (Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen), we would not need these Fees, but your property taxes would go up significantly. Additional fund raising is held throughout the year with our monthly pancake breakfasts, pot-luck dinners, 50/50 raffles, refundable container drop offs, and more.
Hayes Creek Fire also educates our community on how to FireSmart your property. We offer general information as well as complimentary FireSmart reviews of your property and buildings. We also coordinate with RDOS for free ‘Chipping’ of tree branches for all local properties. The intent is an overall reduction in ‘fuel’, reducing the fire risk of all property owners.
Your Hayes Creek Fire firefighters are not paid - it is a volunteer organization. Your support is very important to us. Please, if you have not paid for this year, please do so now. You can eTransfer your $100 per property to: [email protected], pay at our AGM, or mail a cheque to 3950 Princeton Summerland Rd., Princeton, BC, V0X 1W0. Please include your ‘lake’ address.
Cindy Gamache, Chief
For each property you own in the Hayes Creek Fire district (from 31 km to 45 km of the Princeton Summerland Rd., in rural Princeton), you are asked to pay an annual $100 Property Registration Fee to Hayes Creek Fire each January 1st. You then become a member of Hayes Creek Fire.
We encourage all members to attend our events and Annual General Meeting (Saturday of the Easter Weekend). At the AGM you will be brought up to date on our financial status, fire/medical call outs for the past year, FireSmart initiatives, hall updates, and will have the opportunity to vote for directors.
We are always working toward having our hall ‘certified’, but not ‘registered’ with RDOS. This certification would help lower your property insurance costs, while not increasing your property taxes. One of the big stumbling blocks to certification is to have fifteen volunteer firefighters . At this time, we only have seven. If you live in the area and are interested in joining our firefighter team, please email: [email protected].
Being a volunteer firefighter has so many rewards, but also a big ‘ask’ of you. Although seldom called out, our firefighters are on call 24/7, unless out of district. We only ask you to donate two hours a week for training, some of which is conducted out of district (especially now with wildfire training). We are also EMAFR (Medical) trained so when anyone has medical issues, we are there - including helping coordinate the ambulance crews, if needed.
In order to apply for special grants, Hayes Creek has to prove we can survive without them for normal operating expenses. The $100 Property Registration Fees goes a long way to cover normal expenses. However, these expenses are significant, and include certified training courses, fire turnout gear, insurance/operating/maintenance expenses for the fire hall and fire trucks, walkie-talkies and radios, utilities, hose and equipment replacements and repairs, etc. We are a non-certified fire department and do not receive any government funding for these operational expenses. If we become certified and register with RDOS (Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen), we would not need these Fees, but your property taxes would go up significantly. Additional fund raising is held throughout the year with our monthly pancake breakfasts, pot-luck dinners, 50/50 raffles, refundable container drop offs, and more.
Hayes Creek Fire also educates our community on how to FireSmart your property. We offer general information as well as complimentary FireSmart reviews of your property and buildings. We also coordinate with RDOS for free ‘Chipping’ of tree branches for all local properties. The intent is an overall reduction in ‘fuel’, reducing the fire risk of all property owners.
Your Hayes Creek Fire firefighters are not paid - it is a volunteer organization. Your support is very important to us. Please, if you have not paid for this year, please do so now. You can eTransfer your $100 per property to: [email protected], pay at our AGM, or mail a cheque to 3950 Princeton Summerland Rd., Princeton, BC, V0X 1W0. Please include your ‘lake’ address.
Cindy Gamache, Chief
May 2023 FireSmart Event & BBQ

Hayes Creek Fire and RDOS hosted a second annual FireSmart BBQ following their annual general meeting on May 21, 2023. It was a great turn out - we had 45 home owners. Dave Stringfellow, local representative for the BC Firesmart program, gave an informative video presentation on wild fires and how to protect your property. Burgers and hotdogs prepared by the Hayes Creek Fire gang and enjoyed by all . Many residents signed up for a free Firesmart inspection of their property. Email: [email protected] if you are interested.
General Information:
Contact Us:
- Property Registration - $100/year/property - application (click for form)
- 3 bay fire hall
- 10 volunteer firefighters.
- Equipment: two 2,000 gal tenders, each with a 1000 gpm pump; two engines one with a 200 gal and the other with a 500 gal tank, 500 and 600 gpm pumps on each and both with foam capability; Side-by-side (SXS) with snow tracks, skid unit, pump, hose, water tank and stretcher; all season rescue toboggan with wheels & skis (pulled by a our SXS); portable pumps; medical crash bags; heart defibrillators; oxygen therapy units; rescue boat with water pump; and a full complement of rescue tools: cut-off saws, chain saws, generator, lights and fans.
- WiFi Internet - limited service available at the fire hall, free to all registered property owners
- Fire Chief: Cindy Gamache
Contact Us:
- Non-Emergency Telephone: (250) 295-0510
- Mailing address: 3950 Princeton Summerland Road, Princeton, B.C., V0X 1W0
- Email: info @ hayescreek.ca